Over 2 Million People Engaged in Viral Post!!!
/In the beginning of 2022, we started noticing that the number of people requesting to join our IUD Side Effects Support Group had suddenly skyrocketed from the normal rate of about 100 per week to well over 1,000 per day!
Post Stats 1/4/22
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After doing some investigating we realized that an old post from 2016 had suddenly and mysteriously gone viral and in the next 5 days had reached over 5 million people!
In the next 4 days we had over 5,000 new members join our support group and 20,000 people visit our website looking for information.
Website visits 1/8/22
By the middle of January, the stats on the posts were beyond anything we have seen with almost 7.5 million people reached and over 1.4 million people engaged!
Huge numbers of people were spending a lot of time on the website, reading through the articles, personal stories and medical studies pages.
The engagement on all of our posts on the IUD Awareness Facebook Page were also increasing at a similar rate!
The large number of stories being shared on our support group reflected the same kinds of experiences as we have been hearing for the past 7+ years and graphically demonstrated that the huge net being thrown out into the world of social media by this viral post was catching those who have been struggling in silence with the health problems caused by their IUDs.
Although the rate of visitors had dropped down to a more normal flow by the end of January, it still continued to simmer for several months until it once again started going viral again on May 15th.
This time it was different.
Instead of being a huge spike that seemed to come and go quickly, the traffic was lower but more steady and generated a more consistent engagement, with more personal messages sharing stories and requests for membership in the support group including detailed descriptions of problems with IUDs and expressions of gratitude at finally finding some answers and a community who understood what they had been going through!
By May 30th:
Over 10 million people have been reached
Over 2 million people have been engaged
Over 170,000 people have commented
Over 39,000 people have visited the website
Over 11,000 people have joined our support group
All of this response shows how important this topic is.
Post Stats 6/5/22
Visit the original post on Facebook
At this point, we are still receiving a steady stream of responses and requests to join our support group which has now reached more than 35,600 members who are all sharing their stories and finding support in finding answers, re-balancing their health and recovering their life.
May 27, 2022
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