It’s Not Just Britney Spears. IUDs Hurt Women Everywhere

By: Grace Emily Stark
July 02, 2021 - The Federalist

“In leaked footage of Britney Spears’s emotional testimony from a hearing to protest her legal conservatorship, Spears made a particularly disturbing allegation about her intrauterine device (IUD), a method of birth control. Spears wants her IUD removed, but alleges her conservatorship team is forcing her to keep it in her body against her will.”

“I want to get married and have a baby,” said Spears, according to a transcript from New York Magazine’s Vulture. “I was told right now in the conservatorship that I’m not able to get married or have a baby. I have an [IUD] inside my body right now.”

“Some women have reported pushback from their doctors after asking to remove their IUDs, prompting them to turn to the internet for “how to” guides on removing devices themselves (especially at the height of the pandemic, when “routine” medical appointments were often difficult to secure).

The LiveAction videos and Spears’s case aren’t the only examples of IUDs (or other LARCs) being used to aid and abet coercion, abuse, and exploitation of girls and women. In fact, because LARCs cannot be interfered with in the same way birth control pills can be, well-meaning campaigns often steer victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) towards these forms of contraception.”

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