‘The new visitor in your uterus’: Painful IUD insertion a warning sign
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‘The new visitor in your uterus’: Painful IUD insertion a warning sign
IUD Alert
February 22, 2022
““It’s not just the pain; it’s also the deep biological sense that something in your body that should not be messed with is being aggravated, activating what I can only describe as a fight-or-flight response where you can actually do neither, since the threat is inside of you,” writes Casey Johnston of her experience with getting an IUD, in an article title “If Men Had to Get IUDs, They’d Get Epidurals and Hospital Stays.
“IUD insertion is at least as likely as not to be the worst pain you’ve ever felt,” Ms. Johnson declares. In the article, Ms. Johnson only advocates that women be provided better pain management to accompany this procedure, to silence the body’s warning signs.
“I went to the doctor to have it inserted, and the pain was the worst I’ve ever experienced,” relates a woman named Denise on IUDAlert.com. “No one told me to take ibuprofen either. I left the doctor’s office keeled over in debilitating pain.”
But is this kind of violence to a woman’s body normal and necessary for her to live her life? Is pain relief the best we can do? Or are we indeed messing with something that shouldn’t be messed with?”
March 14, 2022