Recovery From An 11 Year IUD Ordeal

Hi everyone. Here's my story.

11 years ago, I had my first child. March of 2013. 2 weeks after, the doctors suggested that I get the Mirena IUD inserted as it would be the best option for after childbirth. Insertion was extremely painful. No pain medicine was prescribed and it was described as a pinch. It was not a pinch. The pain continued for me for 2 weeks. Pain that would send me flailing to the floor. I had an appointment set for a month out from the insertion but I couldn't take it and just walked into to see the doctor. In tears.

They reluctantly did an ultrasound on the spot and found NOTHING. I was sent home after they told me what I was experiencing was "ghost pain" from childbirth and "this sometimes happens when a mother breastfeeds" They told me it likely was rejected by my body and came out in the toilet. Nothing was done for the pain.

June 2020 I had my second child. A big boy. 9.5 lbs at home, in a tub, with the guidance of a midwife. No drugs.

Fast forward to last October 2023. I had a ct scan done on my abdomen to look for kidney stones at a very busy ER. The doctor who looked at the scan, said I had no kidney stones, gave me a prescription for kidney infection, and sent me home.

June 2024. I had an appointment with my doctor for hip pain and inflammation. I told her some days its so bad it can't walk. I asked her about PCOS or Endometriosis. She reviewed all my previous records and found one little line that said "IUD device in left pelvic region"

11 years later.

Did you know it could be absorbed and migrate into other organs? I didn't. Apparently, having a retroverted uterus is not good for an IUD.

Please share. Please tell other women.

-Wanda Kay