IUD Pierced My Uterus & Found Touching My Liver

“I am sharing this information and hope that it can help other women.

When I had a routine back x-ray done several weeks ago, x-rays revealed that my IUD was several inches south of my bra strap. A CT shows it between the gallbladder and possibly touching the liver. A general surgeon will remove it in September.

It was placed in 2007 with no pain medicine (agonizing) and verified correct location with a sonogram. A year or so later, agonizing abdominal pain started abruptly and after an MRI, I was told it was a cyst breaking up (never had one before or since) and my IUD was lost??!! Now, 16 years later, I know that that pain was the IUD piercing the uterus.

For anyone considering an IUD, I highly recommend you consider other options. No, I don’t use the same doctor. Also, for whoever decided pain relief was not needed for the insertion of an IUD; and also the female ob who lied to me and said there would be “some” discomfort - I hope you have the opportunity to experience, short term, agonizing, non life threatening pain that could’ve been prevented with a simple hydrocodone but have non available.

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-Dee Wolfe via Facebook

August 5, 2024