Why I’ll NEVER, EVER Get Another IUD

“My doc highly recommended the IUD/Mirena and told me that she’s on her third one. I did my research, and about 2 months post-partum, I had that little devil inserted. I didn’t cry, but it wasn’t fun, with the needles in your cervix and the cramping and the excessive, sporadic bleeding that went on for months. But after all of that calmed down, it was pretty dope. We were finally living, y’all. The freedom… effing amazing. 

And then it started. 

It’s been two weeks now and every single night I’m awakened not just by a hungry Max, or a frightened Gia or a horny husband, but by REAL pain shooting from my left hip down to the sole of my foot. It’s horrible and apparently a common side effect.  Hip and joint pain. Feels like arthritis.  I’m getting this bitch out STAT.  I don’t have the weight gain or painful sex or cystic acne or loss of libido, but feeling like a 80 year old is not worth the delicious freedom it’s delivered. I’m getting it out on the 9th and have no idea what I’m gonna do.”