Hysterectomy Experiences: Misinformation and Lack of Consent

Hysterectomy Experiences: Misinformation and Lack of Consent
September 27, 2023 - Hormones Matter

A few years ago, I began writing for Hormones Matter about the consequences of hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Year after year, these posts generate tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. The comments inevitably follow the same pattern. The surgery was recommended or sometimes forced on a woman for reasons that are not typically medically warranted suggesting that many gynecologists use unethical and fraudulent tactics, such as those discussed here and here.

Worse yet, after the surgery any negative effects are dismissed by the doctors as unrelated or untreatable. This leaves women fending for themselves. With the internet, she finds us and discussions ensue. We thought it was time to highlight those comments, to show what women are saying about their experiences. For the next several weeks, we’ll be re-publishing some of the most telling stories of declining health and profound feelings of betrayal after female organ removal.